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MDC go, go, go!

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Yeah, documentation in an unstable wiki is great. I wonder if MDC uses HTTPS only to make it even slower ...

Speiseplan Studentenwerk München als RSS

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Damit alle, die kein KDE4 benutzen (oder sich noch nicht von Ubuntu trennen können), dennoch in Genuss des Mensa-Speiseplans bekommen, habe ich die RSS-Feeds...

New version of the Cafeteria plasmoid

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The semester starts again and I took the chance to get back to the cafeteria plasmoid and fix some old issues. Changes include: Fix the cmake build files to...

Copy files with dd and netcat

1 minute read

Today I had to copy several LVM partitions to another machine. The first tools I thought of were dd and netcat (nc), the swiss army knife for every sysadmin....

Hooray! XForms for Firefox 3.5 is here!

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It took a bit longer than expected, but thanks to the great patience Doron, Aaron and bz had reviewing the last critical bug, it is finally here: The XForms ...